series of events
With #WhatDoYouFightFor? we bring together people, initiatives and ideas on a regular basis to inspire and bring impulses to the streets.
In the first part of the evening, various exciting social initiatives and projects present their themes, actions and approaches, while in the second part of the evening all guests work in groups on their own ideas and projects.
The aim of the event is to regularly bring together activists and those who want to become one, to learn from successful actions and generally to inspire more socio-political engagement.
#WhatDoYouFightFor? No1 - "(R)evolution" & Fossil Free
#WhatDoYouFightFor? No2 - Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen
#WhatDoYouFightFor? No3 - Sea-Watch
#WhatDoYouFightFor? No4 - Extinction Rebellion
Second parts of the evenings: Open Project Workshop
No1 - "(R)evolution" & Fossil Free
Dec 11th, 2018
We take the end of the year as an opportunity to look at global social movements and dynamics and pause to put our heads together: what are the topics we want to promote in 2019? It starts with input: The documentary short film "(R) evolution" about global movements, their developments and successes is shown and filmmaker Lillian Rosa tells us more about the background.
In addition, the Berlin Representation of the international movement #FossilFree, which also appears in the film, is a guest and tells us how they work: With their very smart and decentralized demand on local institutions to deduct their money from fossil fuels, they have helped unbelievable 7.18 trillion dollars (7180 billion) have been deducted from stock funds.
No2 - Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen!
May 14th 2019
We are looking forward to the input from the initiative Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen! How do you teach the biggest real estate speculator in Germany, the Furching? This is explained to us by Tanja, activist of Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, who gives us exciting insights into the strategies and campaign work behind the campaign.
Background: DW Enteignen succeeds in provoking an overwhelming popular demand from the general public to bring about a referendum that could finally stop speculation with housing and thus the unbridled rent madness in Berlin. If successful, the Berlin Senate is required to draw up a law on the transfer of real estate and land in common property for the purpose of socialization in accordance with Article 15 of the Basic Law. The petition, which triggered a policy debate in Germany, runs until June 13 and has long since passed the hurdle of 20,000 signatories.
No3 - Sea-Watch
July 16th 2019
We are pleased to welcome our guests of Sea-Watch, the Civil Maritime Rescue Initiative, which is currently re-launching headlines for weeks to come, with EU refugee policies and government failures regarding mass extinction at the EU's external borders is the consciousness of the people. Theresa and Michael from Sea Watch give us exciting insights into their initiative, strategies and outreach.
Since its inception in 2015, Sea-Watch has been involved in the rescue of 37,000 people in distress in the Mediterranean Sea, denouncing the absence of state-run rescuers with political action. Most recently, captain Carola Rackete, in contravention of the Italian government's ban on Sea-Watch 3 and more than 40 rescued migrants, boarded Lampedusa, whereupon she was immediately arrested. Since then, media coverage, political responses and civil solidarity have not stopped.
Second Parts of evenings: Open Project Workshop
In the second part of the evening we put our heads together and exchange ideas about current ideas and actions. In an open project workshop, all guests can work in groups on their own ideas and projects or join actions. No matter if you want to brainstorm new things or if you want to find fellow combatants, practice pure mind games or constantly develop concrete projects - everything is welcome!
Contact us if you want to be on the mailing list for the next events of #WhatDoYouFightFor?