collective / viral mass art performance at
G20 summit in Hamburg
Hamburg, July 5th 2017 – after months of preparation the art performance 1000 GESTALTEN has transmitted an overwhelming image of creative protest into the world. Hundreds of people cloaked in clay from all classes of society have expressed their criticism on the G20-summit in a two hour choreography and thereby called up on more humanity and self-responsibility .
The crusted shapes shall represent a society that has lost its' believe in solidarity and in which everyone fights for their own progress only. In the course of the performance they drop off their grey costumes and symbolically free themselves from their petrified structures.
„We cannot wait until change happens from the world’s most powerful, we have to show political and social responsibility – all of us – now!“ as spokesmen of the collective 1000 GESTALTEN claim. „We want to put back in memory how compassion and public spirit conveys identity for a society. “Our campaign is a further symbol for the fact that many people do not want to put up with the destructive impact of capitalism any longer. It's not our account balance that will save us in the end but someone who will offer their holding hand.“
The collective effectively managed to mobilise broad sections of our social society for the campaign: Before and behind the scenes over a thousand volunteers were involved – many of which were part of an art performance for the very first time. People from over 85 cities from all over Europe registered as performers and volunteers – via crowdfunding more than 20.000 € donations were generated.
The images of the 1000 GESTALTEN went in the big news broadcasts and on the front pages of the leading newspapers around the world, were millionfold divided in the social media and enthusiastically commented. Many renowned photographers and filmmakers accepted the invitation to document the performance.