Talks / invitations
Silbersalz Festival
"Breaking Free from the Polycrisis – Where Do We Find Direction?"
Lecture about my PhD & Panel with Maja Göpel and Nicole Zabel-Wasmuth/Planet Narratives
"Politics, Art and Resistance – Tate Exchange workshop ‘OTHER’ at Tate Modern"
"Talkshow aus der Zukunft - Versammelt euch! 1918 - 2018 - 2038"
with Jutta Dittfurth and Harald Welzer
from FUTURZWEI / how to make a movement sustainable / with students from Fridays for Future and Amnesty International, Peng Collective, Scholz & Friends, Stern, etc
from Advocate Europe, Open State, Wir bauen Zukunft, Robert Bosch Stiftung International Allumni Center / with Open Village, Demokratie in Bewegung, FairBnB, Iota Labs, etc
Oktobergespräche Gartow 2017
with Maja Göpel, Martin Wimmer, Institut für Partizipatives Gestalten, Global Goals Curriculum 2030, Ecologic Institute EU, etc
(Link to text from Martin Wimmer in german)
100 Jahre Revolution
movie (R)evolution, exhibition, talks and assemblys all over Berlin